Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Tuesday noon report - from Debbie

From: Debbie Zimmer
Date: July 5, 2005 4:14:27 AM CDT
Subject: tues noon report

Preevyet y'all,

2nd day with the older kids. In the morning I'm feeling draggy like I can't do this again but once we get there and they start saying hello to us my outlook changes. Before I know it, the time with them is over. Only 2 days left. What a difference a few years make. Most of them are more attentive and cooperative especially at craft time. They really like making the lanyards and necklaces. They ask for more. Thurs. we'll bring what's left and let them make what they can. We learned a new game from them called "creek". kinda like london bridge but you grab someone on the way thru. Even grownups enjoy it. Some boys were playing with a skateboard. For a while I was thinking about trying it, maybe sitting down but then there was this little voice "remember the cartwheel?" Ok, well, maybe not. We play on a schoolyard and the principal told us to move because we might break the windows. With water balloons? Natasha (interpreter) said she was just trying to be important. So we moved about 10 feet and ignored her. There was someone watching us from the doorway to the school the whole time. Maybe she just wished she was playing instead of being 'watchdog'. Going to celebrate Tanya's birthday at lunchtime. Will bring the blouse that Luba and I picked out at the market. Luba sure has good taste. Ken gave me 1000 rubles (700 = $25) Luba wouldn' let me look at "cheap" things. Ended up with a knit top for 650. Dinner tonight at Natasha's. We're hoping for pizza. Our time here is drawing to a close. We're planning times of departure and last minute shopping (at least I am) Well, time for another trip up and down the 62 steps. What will I do for excercise when I get home?

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