Monday, July 04, 2005
Re: Day 1, week 2 - from Gary
Date: July 4, 2005 4:07:14 AM CDT
To: carla rodney
Subject: Re: Day 1, week 2
Hey everyone,
we began week 2 this morning, with a new group of youth. This group consists of 18 or so older youth, 12 through 18 maybe 20 ?????
We attempted to have a street ministry in Essentuki last evening, but we ran across huge barriers. The lake that we went to, was next to an amusement park. It's difficult to compete with amusement type rides compared to a frisbee and ball. It seemed to me, that the evening was a failure in comparason to our previous attempts. We sang alot of songs and they seemed to enjoy, but they wouldn't accept the literature or bibles from us. Ken, Art, and Debbie gave up and went back to the Kolos. I stayed a little while longer, although I felt like giving up as well.
Just before we sang our last song, I noticed 4 young women sittig off to the side, I motioned for Tanya and Olga (youth from the Essentuki church) to talk with them and to give out the literature. Others from our group started talking to people as well. WOW!
OK LORD, I get the picture, this is your ministry and not ours. Pastor Victor had planned on leaving early, but upon seeing the activity, decided to stay. I left shortly there after but the Essentuke Youth plus Pastor Victor stayed on.
While driving home, we saw Mt El Brus in the distance, with the sun shining off of the snow caps, WOW again! God is still on His throne, He is still in control. This is exactly what we have been praying for! For the Russian people to reach out to their neighbors and minister to them, instead of the Americans. Thank you Jesus.
Thank you for allowing us to come.
In HIS Strength
team 11 or maybe 12 (I lose track)