Wednesday, July 06, 2005

One more day - from Debbie

From: Debbie Zimmer
Date: July 6, 2005 4:24:56 AM CDT
Subject: one more day

This morning Gary was saying how he felt conflicted. He was anxious to get home but that would mean leaving many new friends, possibly never to see again. He took the words right out of my heart. You know the feeling, when you want to go but don't want to leave at the same time. I feel I've developed some good relationships especially with Luba and Natasha. We spend a lot of time laughing togeather. We had dinner at Natasha's. Cabbage rolls, better than the ones at the Kolos but Gary still wouldn't eat them. Her husband came home from a business trip and we all talked just like old friends. He said it felt like we were family.
As Ken keeps saying, "be flexible". We had discussed wheather we would go to camp Thurs or spend the day doing last minute things, aka shopping. After looking to me as to how much shopping time to allow for, we decided to spend one more day with the kids. Well I guess we forgot to inform Luba because she told the director that Weds. would be our last day and today when Tanya asked us we told her we would indeed be there and then when Luba came at noon with driver Sergei, she was a little put out that we had changed the plan. I think it's a case of too manys chiefs. So tomorrow we will go back up to hospital hill to pray again for the city, go to camp for a short while to say goodbye and bring any leftover craft supplies and encourage them to continue in their relationship with Jesus. Then shopping and farewell party with interpreters, drivers, etc. This may be my last e-mail depending on what tomorrow brings. I know that God is working in this country even tho' we see many problems. But we forget that they have been living in spiritual darkness for a long time. God is still on the throne as Ken said in one of his sermons and how arrogant it would be to think that the progress will stop just because we leave. We see great promise in Arkady, Tonnia, Pastor Victor and the Essentuki church. Patience I think is a key word here. As Reg said once, God is never late. So our prayers will continue for this part of the country that the message of the gospel will be spread bringing hope and joy to Kislovosk.
So da svidanya Alla, Stas, man in the red shirt, all the kids at camp and to all of our good friends. Hopefully we will meet again. If not here then in the sky with Jesus. Slava Bogu, (praise God)

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