Monday, July 04, 2005
Catch Up - from Debbie
Date: July 4, 2005 4:14:42 AM CDT
Subject: catch up
First of all, Happy Independance Day! Arkady asked me yesterday if we had day of independance tomorow. I said "nyet, I don't think so". I thought he was asking if we had a day free. He had to remind me of my own holiday. This morning I brought flag napkins to breakfast and passed them out to people we had an aquaintace with. I pointed to the 4 on my watch and said "Happy Birthday America". They understood. The kids at camp wished us a happy independance day also. They know their history. Wish I could say the same for our kids.
Now to catch you up on the last couple of days. Art and I went on a visit to 2 homes. The first was a mother, Alla and 15yr. old son, Stas. After initial greetings and asking about church attendance, Art asked them if they knew where they would go when they die. With so little time, we get right to the point. Alla said it was hard to be sure. Just the opening we were waiting for. I told her it was very easy, actually. Would she like to know? Testimony and gospel presentation followed. Art brought his bible and looked up actual verses so she wouldn't take my word that the Bible said such things. He thought I repeated the part about 'works, like church attendance and baptism, being good things to do, but they don't get you to heaven' too much but in the end they prayed the prayer of salvation and as we left I asked if they were going to heaven. Alla said emphatically, "Da !" The second home was more difficult. A mother, Elena, with a 19 year old son, Boris, who has infantile paralysis. Natasha and Art sat down across the room but since I was the 'designated knee patter', I sat on the couch next to Boris and started talking to him. He knew some english and managed to talk slowly but understandably. He also smiled when talked to. They both talked about their difficult life but faith in God. Boris even talks to his neighbor about Jesus. I told him he was a missionary just like we were. We prayed for them before we left. We were all pretty quiet on the way down the stairs. Just breaks your heart. Dinner that evening with a couple of sisters who are helping at camp and their parents. We had homemade pizza. It wasn't Round Table but it was good. Church at Essentuki Sunday. Contemporary service. The young people probably outnumbered the older. They joined us in misnistry at the lake last night. We anticipated something like the park but when we got there it was like a small amusement park. We started singing but no one was paying much attention until a women came up and asked us not to sing too loud. How can you compete with a jumpy house and rides. Ken finally grabbed bunch of new testaments and took of with Natasha in tow. I thought what the heck, what's the worst that could happen except we get kicked out. Some accepted the bibles and tracks for the kids but only one man let me show him the evange-cube. He wasn't interested. Ken, Natasha, Art and myself left and Gary stayed behing with pastor Victor and the young people playing games and singing. Some people came up later and they had a chance to talk to them.
Gary felt like the evening was a failure in respect to ministry but I reminded him where that thought came from and it was God's job to direct the evening. Maybe it was suppose to be a time of fellowship with each other. In retrospect, things happened just the way our goal is for the trip. Their young people stepped up to the plate and were in control. So I think our prayers are answered in that respect. ok, i guess I've rambled on long enough.
Until our next adventure,