Thursday, June 30, 2005
Re: day 4 - from Gary
From: Gary Rodney
Date: June 30, 2005 7:48:40 AM CDT
To: carla rodney
Subject: Re: day 4
Hello Everybody,
Greetings from the other side of the world.
Last evening was our first opportunity for street ministry. We had close to 90 or so young people of various ages.
We played games, sang songs, shared testimonies, and told the gospel message.
Debbie was awesome, she had the opportunity to share the gospel with 7 young ladies, all 7 asked CHRIST into their hearts! Way to go Deb.
We had another 15 0r so, pray within the large group, and another 2 after the main thrust. Praise God!!
Debbie has finally received her first E-mail, way to go Tom. What about you Pam? you can route your letters through Carla if you would like.
Just mark for Debbie or for ART or for Ken or for ???????
We had a little down time this afternoon, we had the chance to do alittle shopping at the porcelon factory.
You can be very proud of this team, you can be assured, that your prayers are being heard.
May the love of Christ be with all of you.
From the field
gary, Debbie, Art, & Ken