Sunday, June 19, 2005

Debbie did a stupid thing - from Tom

Hi all,

I talked to Debbie this morning, she is ready to go, but she did a stupid thing (her words). She was playing with the girls in the back yard, and Chloe did a cartwheel. You can guess the rest, Debbie tried it, and dislocated her hip momentarily. She says she can stand and walk ok, but sitting is pretty painful. I think she learned an important lesson, something about not being 15 years old any more. Anyway, it won't keep her from going, but it will make for a very uncomfortable trip, unless God chooses to heal here very quickly. Please pray for that, or whatever God leads you to pray for. I know from experience, after dislocating my shoulder some years ago, it was painful for several months.

In Christ,


(editor's Note: Here is a link to the video, You need Quicktime to play it)

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